

HELP is Here!

HELP is Here!

We at HELP are often asked to participate in health fairs, wellness events, lunch and learns and all sorts of other events where we can share information about who we are and what we do. Lately, we had an informational booth at the Omaha Healthy Living Expo at the Baxter Arena and saw so many wonderful people who had questions about us or were clients who we helped in the past! We also had a booth at “A Time To Heal” conference for cancer survivors and their caregivers. Both were awesome events and we were proud to be part of them.

If your work ever has a health fair, a wellness committee or conducts lunchtime meetings where organizations can come in to share about themselves, please pass along our desire to be there! Many people still have not heard of us, nor understand what we are all about so we would love to be part of any workplace event! Feel free to email Tom@HelpEquipment.org and let’s get your event on our calendar!

In the photo attached, From left, HELP’s Dan Haynes and Tom Neal, shared information with attendee Denise Niemann at the A Time To Heal cancer conference.

Help Medical Equipment Rental & Long-Term Care Planning